Friday, December 7, 2012

Borrowed from Nurse Webb

Our OB Nurse Daughter-in-Law Victoria (Vicky) Wagner-Webb put this on her Facebook page.

"About NURSES: Somebody asked: 'You're a nurse?!?  That's cool, I wanted to do that when I was a kid.  How much do you make?'  The nurse replied: 'HOW MUCH DO I MAKE?'  I can make holding your hand seem like the most important thing in the world when you're scared.  I can make your child breathe when they stop. .  .  . I can help your father survive a heart attack.  I can make myself get up at 5AM to make sure your mother has the medicine she needs to live.  I work all day to save the lives of strangers.  I make my family wait for dinner until I know your family member is taken care of.  I make myself skip lunch so that I can make sure everything I did for your wife today is charted.  I make myself work weekends and holidays because people don't just get sick Monday thru Friday.  Today I might save your life.  How much do I make?  All I know is, I make a difference."

Tune in Nurse Vicky.  Her posts will make you think.

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